Day 5 – June 23: Road to Beaverton

Moving day again.

We struggled up out of our slumber (except for Spencer who is ALWAYS happy to wake up early) checked out and were on the road in relatively good time.

We had one stop to make before getting to Jen and Brian’s place – The Evergreen Air and Space museum.

Cheryl Next to the Spruce Goose


Scale model of the Spirit of St. Louis next to the Goose

A couple of hours later, after lunch/tour the exhibits/ice cream we headed for the Hunt’s new home in Beaverton.

Dinner that evening was a bar-b-que on the deck.  Jesse and Renner seemed to hit it off well:

Spencer and Asher just enjoyed playing in proximity to each other:



  1. Jesse and Renner hit it off well.
    Jesse and Spencer. . .well. . .that remains to be seen. . . 🙂

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