Day 3 – 10/25 – Spencer’s Day

This morning we were up early (but not as early as Spencer).  Following first breakfast of pumpkin spice muffins we played for a bit and then headed our to Einstein’s bagels for second breakfast.  Thus fortified we dropped Kim at the conference and headed out to one of the local parks.

We were there for about 2 hours and then it was time to head for lunch.  Lunch consisted of a visit to the Safeway’s deli to pick up food for both lunch and dinner along with supplies to restock our GORP.  We made it home before S crashed and managed to get some food down him before nap time.

Following his nap we headed out again, this time to a different park (not so many contraptions to play on but with a lake that had ducks and geese.

We had as much fun as we could and then found a shady spot to park and rest (and watch a Paw Patrol) before leaving to join Kim for a visit to an art exhibit associated with the conference.  We took Kim back to the house with us where she nursed S and returned to meet friends for dinner and a concert.

We ate and put S to bed (to the tune of wailing and gnashing of teeth) and carried ourselves to bed, happy and contented with a day well-spent.