Day 18 – 6/7/2019 – Edaville

We were up, breakfasted, packed, and (amazingly) out the door by 10:00 checkout time.

The first stop was a small amusement park buried deep in the cranberry country of eastern Massachusetts.

Edaville doesn’t seem like much at first but the deeper into the park you go the more there is to see and do.

Thomas the train is kind-of a big deal here.
We spent most of the day in “Thomas Land”

We spent 3 1/2 hours there, and would have spent more except that 1) S fell asleep, and B) Papa and J started a contest to see who could make the other throw up first. Strangely there are no photos of our attempts. Apparently nobody was that interested in sharing our contest (unless you are Mimi who got a Polo of one of our “Ladybug” rides).

Here are a few shots of our day:

It was HOT on the Ferris wheel!
Which didn’t seem to bother Nana
Papa’s a bit unsure riding in a helicopter piloted by J and S
J and S enjoying the ride where they got to squirt water at a “burning building.”
The M-B’s enjoying an elevated car ride.
S chasing the Red Baron
The boys getting their tickets punched on the train ride around the park
Chris, Kim and Jesse enjoying the roller coaster
Strangely they have a “Dickens Village” – nicely done, but with the exception of one shop just for show.

Back at the car we loaded the sleeping Spencer and took off for our penultimate city (and final state) Providence, Rhode Island. Our housing here is the recently restored / remodeled / updated first floor of a 3 floor walk-up in a quiet neighborhood in the Federal Hill district. We’re just a couple of blocks away from Little Italy.

DePasquale Square

We wandered over and down the street

eventually ending up at Antonio’s for dinner.

This is significant because for the first time in 50 years I had Braciole – a little bit of heaven made from veal pounded thin and rolled around seasoned mozzarella and topped with a mushroom cream sherry sauce. For those of you who haven’t heard the story, there’s a story. The short version is that braciole is the reason I chose not to go to Woodstock. It’s as good as I remembered.

After dinner we walked as far as the “good luck/welcome” arch

In spite of the rumor that it’s a pineapple, that’s a pine cone hanging from the arch. It’s a sign of good luck.

Before heading back by way of a couple of pastry shops where we picked up a few things for dessert tonight and breakfast tomorrow. This led to a “canonli taste-off”

Chris and Jesse cast votes, but Kim and I got the right answer.

Eventually things settled down. Cheryl crashed (partly due to the effects of the pitcher of bourbon-laced sangria we shared at dinner) and the rest of us settled down to read, blog, and watch a bit of TV before lights out.

Tomorrow we do Providence.

Till then, Nite all, R