Day 2, 6/4/2021, San Diego Zoo

The day started out with breakfast, and a surprise. The Hunt boys learned this morning that they were going to Legoland. But that wasn’t the big surprise. That occurred when they discovered that Jesse and Spencer were also in the group.

The cousins are together again!
Freeze Tag with Nana
Hangin Around Together

After breakfast we checked out from the hotel and headed to the San Diego Zoo. We saw animals.

Komodo Dragon
Teen aged Giraffe
Rock Hounds
We stopped for a break and some sustenance.
And some detailed planning
We saw condors (We’re from Boise. We yawned.)
We saw traffic get stopped by a mom and baby ducks. (We’re from Boise…)
We saw Meercats
And a Secretary Bird (Cheryl mentioned that when she was a secretary she used to stick pens in her hair like that.)
We were really impressed by a wandering peacock.
We watched an elephant play with a toy. Someone said they had hidden a treat inside the barrel.

There was so much more, but this is just a sample of this outstanding zoo. The low point of the day was that the polar bears weren’t swimming. But other than that disappointment everyone agreed this was a great adventure.

After the zoo we headed north to Carlsbad and Legoland.

Someone was tired from all that zooing.

We checked into the hotel and retreated to our room (we, the aged ones) to rest. I understand the young’ns engaged in a bit of swimming. Here’s a look at some of the features of our Legoland Hotel “Adventure Room”

This chap greeted us as we left the elevator.
Our room is carpeted with snakes and spiders and erlenmeyer flasks and such.
There’s a parrot in the corner above the bed
“Egyptian” art hangs on the walls
Indiana Jones left his hat in the bathroom.
He also left a scorpion.
the view out our window is the roof of another part of the building. But they had painted the A/C units in lego colors.

After rest time it was time for dinner. Dinner this evening was in honor of my birthday. Kim had found a neighborhood brewpub that provided a sampling of some of my most favorite foods.

That’s an Ahi Taco. Everything was Excellent! A great birthday treat.

After dinner we adults sat around and chatted while the young folk watched part of an outdoor movie – until we all started to turn a bit blue.

Then it was off to our rooms to rest up, read, blog and prepare for the morrow.

till then, sleep well, R