WC-002 – 12/20/22 – Last day in Norman

Up this morning and checked out of the hotel. Tonight we will share the Air-BnB with Hunts before leaving tomorrow morning for OKC, ATL, FLL and the hotel for our last night on land until much much later.

We’re now at Kim’s house resting and recuperating from yesterday while the ‘rents took the kids to the Science Museum in ‘the City’. We begged out of that expedition with the excuse (or on the advice of daughters) that we didn’t need to be exposed to all the germs they will encounter there. Of course they will, but…

So now it’s time to catch up on eMail, refine BLOG posting processes, and grab some precious down-time.

3:30, The kids are back, and napped, and ready for Nana-time.

The rest of the day was pretty much consumed with prep for leaving.

The Marshall-Binghams left immediately after dinner. The rest of us retreated to the Air-BnB where the Hunts prepared to leave very early Wednesday morning…

Before disbursing to the 4 winds we did gather everyone for a quick memory of the clan and our time together.