Randy’s Birthday Bash

The day started.

After breakfast and catching up on news and stuff I joined Jesse for a “Papa’s Fun With Numbers” session. Today we played with prime factors and greatest common factor. Pretty cool stuff.

Then it was time to head for the hills. We packed a lunch, donned our hiking shoes, and drove up to Bogus Basin. From there we headed around the mountain to work our way up to the Shaffer Butte picnic area for a picnic and hiking.

They are logging up there.

Before we got too far along a car coming down stopped and told us that the picnic area is closed – logging.

BTW, there’s still snow on top of Shaffer Butte.

So we turned around and headed for the Stack Rock trailhead. There were picnic tables next to the parking lot so we ate lunch and then headed out.

3.5 miles (and 400 feet of elevation change) later we found the car and drove down the mountain to Boise. Along the way I got a text from Best Buy that my Birthday present had arrived so we stopped on our way home.

Then it was nap time, followed by video chats.

Supper (sorry, I forgot to take pictures) from Bardenay – Pork Chop for Cheryl and Fish and Chips for me. Then it was TV time and to be.

All told it was a great day!

Cheers, R