Day 8 – 2/24 – Breakfast in Norman

The day started when Kim sent Spencer in to wake us up – a favorite task of any 2 year old.

The word was that we needed to be “on the road” by 9:00.  OK, I guess we’re going somewhere for breakfast.

At the appointed hour we loaded into cars and headed off to Moore – the next town north – to an “egg place.” This family knows all the good breakfast places so I’m guessing this one is somehow special.  I had no idea!

We’re standing in line waiting for our table when in walked Oscar and Addie Marshall.  For those who need a refresher, Os is brother Brad’s oldest son.  They live in San Jose. I hadn’t had coffee yet. Their appearance completely short-circuited my brain. Eventually I was able to wrap my mind around the concept that they were in Oklahoma and I hadn’t been transported to California and we enjoyed a good breakfast.

Turns out that they are traveling with friends from California in town to visit some of Addie’s high school friends who live in “the city.”

Following breakfast we repaired to Norman where Kim gave Os and Addie a “ghost tour” of the University campus.  We then dropped the Marshall-Binnghams to continue their day while the four “out of towners” drove a few miles north to visit the “bone museum”.

For some reason I was more interested in checking out the skeletons than taking pictures so you’re going to have to take my word for it that we were actually there.  For those unfamiliar with this place here’s a link to the episode of Dirty Jobs that was filmed there.



After enjoying the rich variety of skeletal remains we dropped Os and Addie off with their friends and headed back to Norman where the day continued.

The last event of the day for me was to get myself certified to run most tools and the 3D printer at the university’s Innovation Center.  Jesse and I are planning a trip tomorrow to see what we can build.