Day 22 – 6/11/2019 – Last day in Boston

The plan for the day was simple. Check out of the Air B&B, Drop our baggage at the airport hotel, into town to visit the Science Museum (Jesse) and the Childrens’ Museum (Spencer), back to the airport hotel for an afternoon of swimming and naps, set the alarms for an ungodly hour, early to bed.

First, it rained. Second, one of us was up (again) for 2+ hours in the middle of the night. So the first order of business was to delay the start of the day. Eventually we got packed (this one was serious because we were trying to consolidate down to a reasonable number of bags) and were out of the apartment about the time the rain stopped.

Our Uber arrived and Chris and I loaded it up with all our stuff and we headed to the hotel where they were kind enough to hang on to it for us. Then we took their shuttle to the airport to catch the T downtown.

While we were doing that everyone else walked the 8 blocks down to the T station and headed downtown as well. They beat us to the Science Museum, but not by much.

By the time we got there they had had lunch and Kim and S were in the “Discovery area” while Cheryl and J had headed in another direction. Chris hooked up with S while I joined J. Here are a few photos of our day.

The 3 of us also had tickets to a planeterium show. Pretty cool. After that we met up with S and his people for a snack in their snack bar overlooking the Charles River.

At that point it was 4:00. Our plans for “after museum activities” were modified. We decided to spend the last hour there (It really is worth that much time.) and brave the commuter crush on the T as we headed back to our hotel for dinner and a swim.

The boys are really completely relaxed about riding the rails.

The hotel has a very nice Mexican restaurant. “We” were glad for the change. I was glad they had fish tacos.

Then it was up to the rooms where Chris and the guys changed for the pool and the rest of us retired with a blog or a book.

Now the boys are back, bathed, and to bed. We’ll be joining them soon. The alarms are set for 3:00. One more event – the journey home.

Wish us luck, R

1 Comment

  1. Those pictures of Spencer at the Children’s Museum are probably my favorite of the last week!!

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